Tag Archives: blue sky

Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry


A couple of summers ago the husband and I decided to go to Minneapolis for a short vacation.  We had so many people ask us how we decided upon this particular location – usually with a head-tilted, very puzzled look on their faces.  It was really a combination of  enjoying visits to big cities and closing our eyes while waving an index finger over a map.  Finger down…eyes open…and voila!  Minneapolis.

We stayed downtown and one morning, walked a couple of blocks from our hotel to a sidewalk cafe.  We had a nice breakfast outside and were just enjoying the morning when I looked up at the buildings across the street.  As you can see in the picture, it was a beautiful start to the day.

Minneapolis downtown

Morning reflected downtown

I was attracted to how the bright blue sky and clouds were reflected in the windows.  As I studied them, I also wondered how the panels at the very top of the building on the right were secured, since they tilted outward.  I liked the angle of my view, looking upward, so I pulled out my cell phone and took this picture.  It’s another reminder of how different the landscape is in a large city.  I guess that’s part of why we enjoy spending time in environments so opposite to our own.

Who knew I would end up sharing this photo in the Weekly Challenge?